F_WALK audiowalk
How can we collectively experience feminist spatial practices despite physical distance?
During a walk guided by binaural sound recordings, we encounter a variety of female perspectives on daily-life in cities. The walk is a compilation of very different situations from very different places. While quietly walking the streets of the town they're in, participants will experience emancipatory practices and spaces together with different narrative characters that guide them. Narrated spaces and the physical environment blend into each other. What can we learn from each other no matter the distance that separates us? Recorded spaces resonate in the real space. What would that be like if we'd use the same practices right here?
The audiowalks collect perspectives that are often times invisible, inaudible, and not payed attention to in city planning. Topics addressed include access/exclusion to/from spaces, culture of remembrance in public space, autonomous spaces, and urban economies.
(intro) Dank an Mildred
(00:00:32) Quote Book Flexen. Flâneusen* schreiben Städte by Özlem Özgül Dündar, Ronya Othmann, Mia Göhring, Lea Sauer (2019) Deutschland https://www.verbrecherverlag.de/book/detail/1006
(00:03:33) Position one by Kerstin Honeit
(00:17:28) Amanzi by Mandhla Ndubiwa https://www.instagram.com/mandhlandubiwa/
(00:27:31) Interview with Zoe Partington and Jos Boys www.disordinaryarchitecture.co.uk and www.vimeo.com/showcase/4562223
(00:36:38) Jaapo - Verein für schwarze Frauen in Linz, Ausschnitt von Beitrag Lebenswelten veröffentlicht auf Dorf TV am 19.06.2020 www.dorftv.at/video/33610
(00:41:40) Naomi Boima
(00:47:39 8 de Marzo by Ana Rodriguez Bisbicus (fem_arc)
Sounds recorded by Adriana Román
International Feminist Alliance 8th March Demo Berlin 2020
Performance “Un violador en tu camino” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2OTZs-GIoQ
Instagram Las Tesis https://www.instagram.com/lastesis/
(00:58:18) Interview with Sarnt Utamachote/un.thai.tled collective https://www.facebook.com/unthaitled/
Sounds recorded by Udo Noll, radio aporee https://aporee.org/
(01:10:09) end
We are fem_arc collective, a group of female architects working on intersectional projects. We're all based in Berlin, but we each have different backgrounds and interests. In our projects we use this multitude of perspectives to question norms and standards in the built environment and in our profession.
Follow our projects on instagram and find out more on www.fem-arc.net
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